Monday, October 4, 2010

Nothing New...

Hey Y'all!

I know I have skipped a week, but all is quiet on the western front (so to speak) so I really didn't have much to write about.


I  have had a 'tangle' with the man-child . He seems to think his height (5'10") and his deep voice, coupled with a little mustache shadow and an ample  "man print" in his britches equals MAN. WRONG!!! It was BELL RINGER time for man-child, including stripping his room of all the fun things, such as PS3s and blankets. I also reminded him that I would take the door off the hinges if need be. Hopefully man-child will GET IT real soon.
He forgets his mama is CRAY-ZEEE!!!  

Wedded BLISS
Happy 7Th Anniversary to the Hubz & me!!!  Here's hoping for 'a way bunch' more!!! I love you, MAN!!!

I discovered that if I twist my hair in small sections, it gives me more 'volume' the following day-YAY!!! I still love my piggy-tail curls, but I'm kinda sick of the shrinkage. So I have started using MOZEKE holding cream ( mixed with a bit of aloe butter ( A little bit of each between my fingers on each piece and twist.  The next day I wet & add VO5/oil mix and VOILE'!!!! Taller hair!!!  I'm learning!!!

Oh, in case you want to place an order, Mozeke is having a 30% off sale-
October 6th everything is 30% off when you use discount code "OFF30" at checkout. Sale starts at 10/6/10 ends 10/7/10 at 12:00 am (midnight) Central standard time. Only while supplies last!!!!!
Y'all check it out!!! 

Just wanted to say in the nicest way I know how-

Never let these types of people (Mothers-in-law) into your home,
not even for a visit.
You have been warned...

I am really starting to get into him & his show- I DVR it everyday. he has me ordering stuff for health, such as noni powder for overall health, but watching it has gotten depressing. For one reason, the news about a woman's body after 40. I don't mind aging, cuz the alternative in not desired, but I would love to not have to worry about slower metabolisms, weight gain, collagen loss, hair loss, all this happening without any effort! How about the older a person gets, nature just leave us alone!!!

He has hip replacement surgery soon. Mind you, he is younger than me, so this is a trip! But better to do it now than wait until his hip is REALLY bad.

This must be my year of playing nurse-
I have been assisting an aunt since her cancer diagnosis/chemo treatments (That was an experience- whew) and now HUbz & the hip, plus he had his shoulder worked on earlier in the year. Just call me Florence Nightingale!

I despise cooking. I can cook, but I don't like to. As much as I love to PLAN, I hate Planning meals, unless it's pertaining to a restaurant. Having confessed this, I still want beautiful cookware. I want Rachel Ray's cooking and bakeware, but I would need to take out a personal loan to able to afford it!  Oh well, we will just work with what we got!!!

Why is the teaching profession the new "family values" issue floating about?
And teachers are the targets? To me, the target should be those on Capital Hill that have allowed the farce to go on for as long as it has.

I'm not sure of the US Secretary of Education's name, but when he appeared on the OKRAH (Yeah I Know) Show the other day, I could not even stomach to listen to the rhetoric spewing from his mouth. Same old status quo, same old mess... Then the governor of NJ (he could miss a meal or 2) hammering at the teacher's unions- PUH-LEEZ!!!

If the unions were such monsters, they would have been diminished a while back.  They are there for the teacher's protection...PERIOD. All this talk of the teacher's rolling up their sleeves- what about the administration? what about the parents? what about the bureaucrats?  When THEY decide to start at the top with the cuts and disciplinary actions, then I will be very interested. But this local BS, nah. Just ploys to get these toot-holes votes...

Show me someone who has come up through the ranks and is aware  of the pros and cons from all levels, all sides, then I will listen. Until that time, I will sit here on the provisional license and not worry about going back into anyone's classroom. IT JUST AIN'T WORTH IT!!!!!

Y'all have a great & blessed week!!!!!!!!!!!